
Dustin Haefele-Tschanz

Dustin is a Software Engineer at Spreedly who loves a good pun, and riding his bike over bridges because the unabridged version is too long. In a previous life he was a Chemical engineer, but over the years he grew unhappy with factory work. His passion for researching everything he could find about human happiness led him to quit his job, join a bootcamp, spend a few months exploring South America and finally jumping into Software Engineering full time. Dustin calls Athens, GA home but his partner is a CU Boulder alum!

The pursuit of happiness.

Who in this world would say ‘no’ to being a little happier? Luckily for us there has been a lot of wonderful scientific studies done on human happiness. This talk will cover a number of my favorite studies in this field, and how they can be applied to life and careers in tech.